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Is It Legal to Eat and Drive

Often, eating a meal would require two hands. For example, unwrapping a sandwich or opening a tightly closed container requires two hands. At this point, drivers would then remove their hands from the steering wheel, use their knees to temporarily steer the steering wheel, or remove their eyes from the steering wheel to clean their hands. This then reduces the reaction time and increases the likelihood of having an accident during this period. While driving, motorists have a personal responsibility to focus on the road and follow all safety instructions to protect themselves and those around them. When they eat on the go, they multitask and divert their attention from the road. Therefore, drivers should stay away from such behavior, but the above recommendations should be followed to minimize the risk when they need to eat. There is good and bad news for those who like to whistle and dine. The good news is that states currently have no laws governing driving while eating. The bad news for drive-thru enthusiasts? That is starting to change. States are beginning to include food and driving regulations in their distracted driving laws.

Under California law, “a person who drives a vehicle on a highway with wilful or gratuitous disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.” Reckless driving can also occur inside parking facilities. For many, a short drive through the drive-thru and eating along the way is part of life. It`s not uncommon to see someone next to you on the street eating while driving. It may not be the best idea, but is it illegal to eat and drive? When investigating the scene of the accident, law enforcement officers collect evidence. They will look for physical evidence, including electronic devices and other items that could have distracted a driver enough to cause the crash. It`s easy to see how eating and driving can become a distraction – dripping sauces, poor packaging, poor hand-mouth coordination, and hot temperatures can cause you to divert your attention from the road. This has happened before: in one case, a commercial truck driver choked on spicy pork rinds and lost control of his vehicle; Fortunately, he sustained only minor injuries and did not strike any other vehicles. While many drivers are guilty of stealthily snacking while driving, the uncertainty about the legality of such behavior means you could risk more than a hefty fine. While there are no specific traffic rules that discourage eating while driving, drivers can still receive hefty fines if it distracts them or interferes with their control and compromises vehicle safety.

NHTSA had published a study that found that eating or drinking while driving increased the likelihood of having a car accident by 80%. NHTSA had listed the most dangerous foods to avoid. These foods require the driver`s full attention behind the wheel and endanger the driver and other drivers. The main foods to eat or drink include: The new distracted driving law in Washington state provides for a $99 fine for various types of distracted trips, such as grooming, eating, reading and smoking while driving, according to an eTags article. This provision states that when operating a vehicle, drivers can get a meal ticket if the activity results in dangerous driving. When people think of distracted driving laws, they usually think of not talking on the phone or texting. But these behaviors are often explicitly listed as illegal. In today`s fast-paced world, many of us are guilty of eating a snack or perhaps an entire meal while driving. Over time, there has been an increasing number of distracted driving that has led to an increase in car accidents. The popularity of drive-thru restaurants and cafes, especially in Los Angeles, has also led to the commonplace of eating while driving. For example, many employees have a quick snack before sitting in Los Angeles traffic in the afternoon and heading home.

It has become so common that the California Highway Patrol has now focused on distracted driving. An additional report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention points out that about nine Americans die due to distracted driving, and another 1,000 are seriously injured on average.