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Dictionary Definition Belonging

Household contents insurance covers damage caused by weather and water, theft of objects, vandalism, fire and bodily injury. The Philippines is divided by many tribes, all belonging to the same brown race. Before Tabak was well known in Germany, some soldiers belonging to a cavalry regiment were stationed in a German village. If you belong, you are an official part of a group (“It belongs to the French club”) or you are compatible with certain people or adapted to a certain place (“I just belong to nature”). A sense of belonging describes that feeling of really good or interweaving, especially with friends, family members, or other friendly people. Belonging is a sense of adaptation or the feeling of being an important member of a group. A truly close family gives each of its members a strong sense of belonging. There are no huge reports about Italian families, politicians and bad families. Police say they also found at least one of Vineberg`s cell phones containing Hoffman`s number. Polio is one of many viruses that belong to the enterovirus family. Schools of tuna (four- and five-foot-long fish belonging to the dolphin tribe) were seen staggering through the ship. When an abuser takes your belongings, it spoils you psychologically.

These sample sentences are automatically selected from various online information sources to reflect the current use of the word “belonging.” The opinions expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us your feedback. A special edition of the series, titled What I Can Live Without, was reused to auction favorite celebrities or more notable things on eBay. With all the events that belong to this century, we only have to deal with the last two digits – Model Queen gives the date 37. The issue explored the theme of vulnerability, “relevant to anyone seeking to understand, change, love and belong.” The 18-year-old freshman, who only wanted to use his first name for reasons of confidentiality, had to have a lot of his stuff sent to campus across the country. A mesh pocket makes it easy to store your different things while you exercise, and the vest`s reflective strip is the perfect complement for late-night workouts. On May 18, Spitz Moore drove them to Prien, where they found a large collection of Schwend logs and boxes. The opposite side belonging to Hanover is as flat and monotonous as the other is beautiful. “Affiliation.” dictionary Merriam-Webster.com, Merriam-Webster, www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/belonging. Retrieved 3. October 2022. Nglish: Membership Translation for Spanish Speakers Find the answers with Practical English Usage Online, your indispensable guide to English problems.

A lasting comparison, as a 1986 quote from the New York Times shows: “We own. like fish in the water. We are in our environment. Join our community to access the latest language learning and assessment tips from Oxford University Press! In the novel Life`s Work, the parable refers to how a man`s body fits in a chair. Find out which words work together and create more natural English with the Oxford Collocations Dictionary app.