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Are Squirrel Monkeys Legal in Nj

In Oregon, it is illegal to own wild cats, bears other than black bears, dogs, monkeys, alligators, crocodiles or caimans not native to Oregon. You can get a special permit for a service monkey. Animals you can have without permission include alpacas, ferrets, bison, camels, chinchillas, emus, ostriches, llamas, lemurs, sugar gliders and giraffes. Surprisingly, unlike its neighboring states, prominent rabies poets such as skunks are legal in New Jersey with a permit. Skunks aren`t even legal in some states where big cats and bears are found, such as Nevada and North Carolina. These creatures are popular exotic pets that are bred in captivity, “destined” and considered domesticated. There is no reason why they should be illegal anywhere. Just as you legally breed and sell invertebrates in New Jersey, exotic animals in Hawaii are largely illegal. These include bears, big cats, wild dogs, hybrids of wild cats and wild dogs, kangaroos, wild cattle and deer, birds of prey, alligators, geckos and most lizards, hedgehogs, gerbils, hamsters and ferrets. Pets allowed include guinea pigs, chinchillas, domesticated mice and rats, parakeets and pigeons. No two states are the same when it comes to the rules for keeping exotic animals.

Some call New Jersey`s policy a ban on exotic animals because the “Big Five” are illegal, but there are a surprising number of species that do well in the state. Monkeys are also on the list of illegal pets for New Jersey. They look cute, but they can also be very destructive and very unpredictable. They are wild animals. Answer: Pigs are not illegal in any of the neighboring states, but you should check the zoning laws of your pet pigs. Many cities and neighborhood associations restrict them. You have to call them. HUDSON COUNTY, NJ – First of all. It is illegal to own a monkey in New Jersey. Did you understand that? Good.

You have shown us your favorite photos of your four-legged friends and you will see almost all the videos of adorable cats known to man. But did you know that you can`t have these animals as pets in the Garden State? According to NJ.Com here is a list of illegal pets banned in the state of New Jersey. Also called red-tailed boa, it is a relatively large species with a name that scares off people who know little about snakes. They are indeed common in the pet trade and pose a low risk to public safety. This species can also be legally kept in New Jersey without a permit, which is a good thing. However, the legal implications of primate ownership when applied to interstate travel probably wasn`t the first thing that came to the mind of a New Jersey driver when an owl monkey wearing a diaper jumped into the back seat of his car last weekend. Is it legal to own one of the following companies without a license in the syndicate, nj Is the Argentine Tegus legal to own in the NJ? Thanks for the help! Indiana is one of the most lenient states; It doesn`t ban pets, but you`ll need permits for most of them. You will need permits for Class I squirrels and non-native rabbits, Class II mammals and Class III dangerous exotic animals, including big cats, bears, wolves, hyenas, venomous reptiles, gorillas, Burmese pythons, anacondas, etc. You don`t need permits for ordinary pets, including exotic animals such as sugar gliders, ferrets, savannah cats, foxes, prairie dogs, raccoons, and skunks. But it`s dreams like mine that are causing trouble for some exotic pet owners in the Garden State. Maybe you thought it would be totally cool to adopt that baby raccoon that`s still hanging out in your trash, or play Steve “The Crocodile Hunter” Irwin in your own bathtub.

But these are just a few of the animals that are illegal to own in New Jersey. There are a few more in the photo gallery below. In Rhode Island, you can get permits to keep bears, hyenas, tigers, lions, cheetahs, elephants, monkeys, wolves, hippos, giraffes, and gila monsters. Authorisations require proof of adequate knowledge and accommodation for the animals. Animals that do not require a permit include geckos, chinchillas and sugar gliders. Ohio`s laws have changed since the Zanesville animal slaughter in 2011. More than 50 wild animals were released from a reserve where authorities had to euthanize lions, tigers, bears and wolves roaming the streets. Since then, the Dangerous Wildlife Act has made lions, tigers, bears, elephants, alligators, monkeys and servals illegal and requires a permit. Animals that do not require a permit include lemurs, foxes, bobcats, alpacas and llamas. In Utah, you`ll need a permit to have bears, all undomesticated cats, monkeys, monkeys, kangaroos, ferrets, hedgehogs, coyotes and more. Barriers to licensing are high; they are rarely spent. You don`t need a permit to own alligators, crocodiles, alpacas, camels, chinchillas, ostriches, sugar gliders, and penguins.

The Colorado Wildlife Act does not allow you to keep most exotic animals as pets. These include wildebeest, wild boar, raccoons, skunks, hedgehogs, opossums, squirrels, porcupines, monk parakeets and primates. You can keep native reptiles. It is expressly pointed out that these animals, two of which are rabies, are legal in the State, provided that a permit is obtained.