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Motivation in Teaching Laws of Exponents

By expanding the exponents, it is much easier to see what breaks and what can be combined. Doing all this by hand is a huge pain and should motivate your students to understand the rules as soon as possible. Amplifying what it actually means to elevate something to an exponent by having everything done manually will definitely help when the expressions/equations become more complicated. Since the underlying values are both four, keep them the same, and then add the exponents (2 + 5) together. If you multiply two bases by the same value, keep the same bases, and then add the exponents to get the solution. As with most math tactics, there are teaching strategies that make it easy for you to follow the rules of the exponent. In an equation like this, adding exponents is a shortcut to get the answer. As a reminder, there are seven basic rules that explain how most mathematical equations involving exponents are solved. The rules of the exponent are: For some reason, I like graphics. I mean, I really like them. Whenever a concept has vocabulary or properties, I will be happy to create a diagram. The diagram I created for this topic, as shown below, is a great way to check the rules of exponents. When students use this diagram, they analyze what is happening in the situation.

They also need to simplify again and again, if possible. You can download and use this chart for free if you teach about exhibitors or if you review this topic. Exhibitor Rules Coloring Activity: Who doesn`t like dyeing? My students love this activity and we always seemed to teach it around Valentine`s Day, so they fit in very well. I hope you find something here that will make teaching exhibitors a little easier and a lot more fun! This rule applies when exponents are also attached to the base. In this puzzle, students have to simplify 12 different expressions and they can practice 6 different properties of the exponents. Some of the sides of the squares don`t have answers, so they always have plenty of options to choose from. You will enjoy this one if you try it! I`ve had a lot of success teaching this topic to students, so I`d love to share my favorite resources for teaching the superscript rules with you in case you want to try something new! Can I suggest another approach that I found very useful in teaching potentiation, rather than actual examples? I have found that until students understand why a rule works (i.e. derivation or something similar), they won`t be able to figure out how to use it. Students like to check the rules of the exhibitors in this interactive knockout game. This game can be played with or without an interactive whiteboard or projector to practice the rules of exponents with increasing complexity, including negative exponents.

It has 20 questions and works great as a pre-test exam. It really gives you the opportunity to see where students need help. Superscript Rules Scavenger Hunt: This activity works while amplifying the rules with only positive exponents. I use this activity right before teaching negative exponents to make sure my students have a solid foundation before throwing away those negatives! The answer they get to one problem will lead them to the next. Both variables are squared in this equation and are increased to the power of three. This means that three is multiplied by the exponents in both variables, making them variables that are increased to the power of six. These properties of the exponent task cards check 6 different properties of the exponents and contain 24 different questions. The allocation barrel pack includes a resource that provides 10 ways to use assignment cards in your class. You can play with these cards, use them as sample homework for the whole class, or set up math stations for independent practice. There really are so many possibilities. Multiply the coefficients together (four and two), because they are not the same base.

Then leave the `x` identical and add the superscripts. According to the power quotient rule, you subtract the exponents from each other, which cancels them out and leaves only the base. Each number divided by itself is one. I love this square exponent puzzle because you complete a puzzle while practicing. Some kids really like the puzzle aspect. When you let your kids do this type of puzzle for the first time, you want to support them. I show them how it works and tell them which square goes in the middle. If I don`t, some of them have a hard time understanding how the puzzle works in the first place. The easiest way I`ve found is to use more engaging activities with less naturally engaging topics. In this article, I will share with you some ideas on how to practice and verify the properties of exponents. All these activities are guaranteed to increase engagement and bring students more fluently with exhibitors. * Questions that check the properties of exponents, including power zero, power of one, power of a power, negative power, power of a product, and power of a quotient.

Instead of teaching the rules to the students, let them develop all the exposors by hand and combine similar factors, just as they (hopefully) did, and this should make them discover the rules on their own. If they forget a rule, they can simply go back to how they discovered it by expanding the exponents and essentially “drifting” the rule there. For example, introduce them to this problem: the purpose of equations with negative exponents is to make them positive. Board games are great for quick finishers or for math lab classes. These features of the exhibitor board game are all ready to print and get started. The blog post that accompanies this download describes all the steps and rules for playing the game. Many students like to practice this way because they feel like they are playing a game, but at the same time, they are improving to simplify the characteristics of the exhibitors. You can download the game board and rules directly from the blog post. Exponents and Exponential Units of Functions: If you`re looking for grades, assignments, review materials, assessments, and more to teach exponential unity, this is a great resource! In addition to all rules, this unit also covers the representation of exponential functions, exponential functional applications (exponential growth and decay, geometric sequences), scientific notation, and radical simplification. The exponent rules explain how to solve various equations that, as you might expect, contain exponents.

But there are different types of exponent equations and exponential expressions that can seem intimidating. first. These three properties of exponent mazes are a great way to practice a variety of exponent properties. They can be used for homework, centers, partnership work or assessment. I use a maze for Bellwork every day and it allows students to sit and work. They know every day when they come to class how we start. Understanding the properties of exponents not only helps you solve various algebraic problems, but exponents are also used practically in everyday life when calculating square feet, square meters, and even cubic centimeters. So, here`s what I like to do: First, introduce the rules through a discovery activity.