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Legal En Aborto

The decision, expected in June this year, could pave the way for state lawmakers to ban abortions in nearly half of the country. Si Roe v. Wade is repealed 26 states could ban abortion, posing a threat to more than 36 million people of reproductive age who seek medical care in other states or have to carry a pregnancy against their will. Second, other countries have a policy in which they allow abortion in certain cases and conditions: the Indian Health Service only offers abortions if the current pregnancy endangers the life of the pregnant person or if the pregnancy occurred as a result of rape or incest. To access an abortion for rape or incest, the pregnant person must report the situation of rape or incest within 60 days of the date on which the situation of rape or incest occurred. An independent poll released in January 2019 found that two-thirds of the U.S. population believes abortion should be legal in “all” or “most” cases, and 73% oppose the annulment of Roe v. Wade. Roe v. Wade is the Supreme Court decision that allowed legal access to abortion in the United States on January 22, 1973.

Over the years, lawmakers have sought to restrict abortion rights at the state level, weakening Roe v. Wade. As mentioned earlier, it has been no different in recent years. Currently, the court is hearing arguments about a Mississippi state law, and the decision in that case (Dobbs v. Jackson Women`s Health Organization) could very well be the end of Roe v. Wade. Five states — Georgia, Ohio, Kentucky, Mississippi and Louisiana — have passed laws banning abortions from six weeks — before many people even know they`re pregnant. Countries have an obligation to respect, protect and fulfil human rights, including those related to sexual and reproductive health and autonomy.

If safe and legal abortion services are unjustifiably restricted or not fully available, this can undermine a number of other internationally protected human rights, including the right not to be discriminated against and to be equal; life, health and information; the right not to be subjected to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment; privacy and bodily autonomy and integrity; decide on the number and distance of children; Freedom; to enjoy the benefits of scientific progress and freedom of conscience and religion. Deaths and injuries from unsafe abortions are preventable. However, these deaths are common in countries where access to abortion is restricted or banned altogether, as most women and girls who have to have an abortion because of an unwanted pregnancy do not have legal access to it. If you are having trouble getting your HMO for abortion-related services, please contact the California Department of Managed Health Care. For more information on how to get help with other types of health plans, visit the California Patient Advocate`s Office. Yes, “prior authorization” means that the insurance company may ask you for consent before undergoing a surgical or pharmacological abortion, but it cannot prevent you from having an abortion or denying coverage. In addition, you have the right to timely care. Emergency appointments available for prior approval must be scheduled within 96 hours (4 days) of your request. Non-urgent appointments requiring prior authorization must be scheduled within 15 days of your request. The procedure for obtaining prior authorisation depends on your insurance conditions. Since 1973, anti-abortion activism has systematically restricted access to abortion, in part by creating economic and logistical barriers that make it difficult or impossible to perform an abortion, regardless of what the law says. The Supreme Court overturned Roe v.

Wade. This means that states can now ban abortion. Some states have already banned abortion and others have created many restrictions. However, abortion is NOT banned nationwide, it is still legal in many states. It is also legal to go to another state to have an abortion. Even in contexts where abortion is technically legal, the presence of severe restrictions can make it inaccessible to people from marginalized backgrounds. This forces pregnant people, especially those belonging to marginalized groups, to seek unsafe and clandestine abortion options and face criminal or civil penalties, even if their situation falls within the circumstances where abortion is permitted by law. These are the basic facts about abortion that everyone should know. Abortion restrictions do not prevent abortion. Several studies have shown that when abortions are banned or restricted, the number of abortions does not decrease. Abortions simply become secret.

This increases the risk that unsafe procedures and people linked to suspected abortions will be reported to police or prosecuted. It is not only cisgender women and girls (those who were assigned to a woman at birth) who may need access to abortion services, but also intersex people, transgender men and boys, and people with other gender identities who have the reproductive capacity to conceive. Yes, if your employer offers sick leave, you can take the accumulated time to recover from the abortion. In California, employers must provide at least 3 sick days per year that you can use for the care you need during your pregnancy or abortion. The employer cannot force you to say why you need to be on sick leave. Even if providers believe that pregnancy puts a woman`s health at risk, they cannot tell the woman that abortion is an option or refer her to a safe provider. A recent study found that this policy makes a number of services less accessible, including contraceptive services, HIV/AIDS testing and treatment, cervical cancer screening and support for survivors of gender-based violence. Abortions cannot be performed in Ministry of Defense facilities, which include military hospitals, unless the pregnancy is life-threatening or the result of rape or incest.

But when governments restrict access to abortion, people are forced to resort to clandestine and risky abortions, especially if they can`t afford to travel to another country or seek treatment in another country. This brings us to the next aspect of the problem. When legislators block people`s right to make decisions about their own lives and futures, we all lose. However, those most affected are those who are already experiencing difficulties accessing health care due to systemic racism and discrimination.