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Legal Aspects of Abortion in Fiji

A list of countries classified according to their abortion laws can be obtained by downloading a PDF file of the map. (a) There is a serious risk to the physical or mental health of the woman concerned if the termination of pregnancy: (a) Paragraph 11 shall not be submitted to a dependent minor if she has given her informed consent, unless a custodial relative of the woman has been informed that an abortion is being considered and has had the opportunity: participate in counselling (if such advice is available) and consultations between the woman and her doctor on whether abortion should be performed; These laws are generally interpreted generously to allow abortion in various circumstances. These countries often take into account a woman`s actual or reasonably foreseeable environment and her social or economic situation when considering the potential effects of pregnancy and childbirth. The combination of mifepristone and misoprostol for medical abortion is included in the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. Guidelines on safe abortion, § 2.2.5 Every woman has the right to know the status of her pregnancy and to react to that information; Health protection or social reasons may be interpreted as including the burden placed on the pregnant woman by the diagnosis of fetal insufficiency. Prenatal tests and other medical diagnostic services cannot be legally denied because the woman may decide to terminate her pregnancy. Guidelines for safe abortions, § The final registration of the legal status of abortion in countries around the world, updated in real time. Concluding observations of the respective treaty bodies and selected excerpts on abortion. The laws of countries in this category allow abortion if the woman`s life is in danger.

41 countries fall into this category. In recent decades, monumental progress has been made in guaranteeing women`s right to abortion, with nearly 50 countries liberalizing their abortion laws. Part of this reform has been gradual, allowing women access to legal abortion only when their lives are threatened or when the pregnancy is caused by rape. But many of these changes have been truly transformative, lifting absolute abortion bans in favor of women`s reproductive autonomy. The recommended method for medical abortion is mifepristone followed by misoprostol (the diet differs depending on gestational age). Guidelines for Safe Abortion, Summary, Box 2 – Recommendation. The respect, protection and fulfilment of human rights requires governments to ensure that legally permitted abortion services are available in practice. Guidelines for safe abortions, § The facilities and skills required to manage most abortion complications are similar to those required to care for women who have had a spontaneous abortion (miscarriage). Guidelines for safe abortions § 2.2.6. Abortions are above 20.

(a) two physicians have agreed that the mother or unborn child has a serious (undefined) medical condition that, in the clinical judgment of those physicians, warrants the procedure, and the abortion is performed in a facility approved by the Minister of Health. 970 million women, or 59% of women of childbearing age, live in countries that widely allow abortion. While the majority of women live in countries where they can exercise their right to abortion, 41% of women live under restrictive laws. The lack of access to safe and legal abortion care affects 700 million women of childbearing age. According to the World Health Organization, 23,000 women die each year from unsafe abortions and tens of thousands more suffer significant health complications. Legal restrictions on abortion do not lead to a decrease in the number of abortions, but force women to risk their lives and health by seeking unsafe abortion care. All women should receive information about contraceptives before leaving the health facility and receive postabortion counselling and contraceptive methods, including emergency contraception. Guidelines on safe abortion, § 2.3. 576 million (36%) of women of childbearing age live in countries that allow abortion on demand. 75 countries in the world fall into this category. Laws or policies that limit the duration of pregnancy can have negative consequences for women, including forcing them to abort clandestinely and suffer from social inequalities.

Guidelines for safe abortions, § (a) the physician who performs the abortion; nor should the authorization of a third party be required for women to have access to abortion services. Guidelines for safe abortions, § 4.2.2. Pharmacists can help women avoid unwanted pregnancies by providing accurate information about contraception, pregnancy tests, contraceptive methods, and referrals to safe abortion services. Guidelines for safe abortion, § Source: www.un.org/esa/population/publications/abortion/doc/fijisr1.doc 91 million (6%) of women of childbearing age live in countries that completely ban abortion. Laws, policies, and practices that restrict access to abortion information and services can discourage women from seeking care and create a “deterrent effect” (repression of acts for fear of reprisals or punishment) to provide safe and legal services. Examples of barriers include approval from one or more health care professionals or a hospital board, court or police service, parent or guardian, or a woman`s partner or spouse. Guidelines for safe abortion, § 4.2.2 The practice of abortion is justified only if 2 doctors have agreed that the mother or unborn child has a serious illness b) performs an act with the intention of inducing an abortion, whether the woman concerned is pregnant or not. (c) the reference to a parent includes a reference to a legal guardian. Health professionals invoking conscientious objection must refer the woman to another voluntary and trained provider in the same or easily accessible health facility.

If guidance is not possible, the health professional who objects to it must perform a safe abortion to save the woman`s life, prevent serious health damage, and provide urgent assistance if women have complications from an unsafe or illegal abortion. Guidelines for safe abortions, § International, regional and national human rights bodies and tribunals are increasingly recommending the decriminalization of abortion and the provision of abortion treatment to protect a woman`s life and health and, in cases of rape, on the basis of a woman`s complaint. Safe Abortion Guidelines, p. 97. (5) Subject to subsection (9), the performance of an abortion is justified for the purposes of this section if, The World Map of Abortion Laws is the latest record of the legal status of abortion in countries around the world. Since 1998, the Center for Reproductive Rights has created this map as a resource for advocates, government officials, and civil society organizations working to promote abortion rights as human rights for women and girls* around the world. The map categorizes the legal status of abortion along a continuum from strict restriction to relative liberality. It is updated in real time and reflects changes in national laws, allowing human rights defenders to monitor how countries protect or deny reproductive rights around the world. The following descriptions and recommendations are taken from the WHO guidelines on safe abortion. For this reason, in situations where abortion for sex selection purposes is limited, the abortion is likely to involve a dangerous procedure that carries high risks.

Any strategy or guideline for the use of technology in obstetric and fetal medicine should take into account the need to ensure women`s access to safe abortions and other services – nor should efforts to control or restrict sex selection hinder or restrict access to safe abortion services. Preventing gender-biased sex selection: an interagency statement, p. 10 – Recommendation. The following infographic illustrates changes in countries` abortion laws over the past 25 years using the color section of the global map of abortion laws.