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Fundamentos Legales De La Formacion Para La Soberania Nacional

Article 2. National sovereignty belongs to the people and exercises it through democratic instruments, freely deciding and participating in the construction and improvement of the economic, political and social system of the nation. Political power is exercised by the people, through their representatives, freely elected in general, equal, direct, free and secret, without any other person or assembly of persons being able to usurp this power or representation. It may also exercise it directly through referendums and referendums and other procedures provided for in this Constitution and the laws. Article 1 Independence, sovereignty and national self-determination are inalienable rights of the people and the foundations of the Nicaraguan nation. Any foreign interference in Nicaragua`s internal affairs or any attempt to violate those rights threatens people`s lives. It is the duty of all Nicaraguans to preserve and defend these rights. 3. Preparation and organization of the people for the integral defense with the aim of contributing to the independence, sovereignty and integrity of the geographical space of the nation; With the adoption of the Conscription and Military Service Act of 1976 and the implementation of the issue of pre-military training at the national level in 1980, efforts were made to strengthen and make known to students of a diverse education the values, national identity, security and integral defense of the nation, civil-military union and geopolitical recognition of Venezuela at the international level. This law was amended in 2002, 2005 and 2010, removing from its content everything related to the issue of integrated pest management. Today, all these efforts, supported by the major laws of the country, give access, base and support to the field of training for national sovereignty. At this point, the topic (now field of training) appears specifically called Training for National Sovereignty (F.S.N.), implemented in the Official Gazette No.

41.221 (August 24, 2017), and Program No. 31059 is established for students of general secondary education. Article 3. The struggle for peace and for the establishment of a just international order are inalienable obligations of the Nicaraguan nation. That is why we oppose all forms of colonialist and imperialist domination and exploitation and stand in solidarity with all peoples who struggle against oppression and discrimination. GUATEMALAArticle 141.- Sovereignty. Sovereignty belongs to the people who delegate it to the legislative, executive and judicial powers to exercise it. Subordination between them is prohibited. BRAZILArt. Article 72 of the Act provides: “In order to comply with the provisions of this title, the Ministries of Defence and Education shall coordinate the preparation and implementation of relevant programmes.” This prerogative, unprecedented in Venezuelan education, combines for the first time two units of the national executive with clearly differentiated functions in the same educational objective. MEMEXICOArticle 39.

National sovereignty belongs essentially and originally to the people. All public power emanates from the people and is used to their advantage. The people have at any time the inalienable right to change or modify the form of their government. Article No. 159: The purpose of pre-military education is to provide students with general knowledge that contributes to their comprehensive education, covering aspects of national defense and the development of their physical, moral and intellectual abilities. Pre-military education as a security and defence policy is a compulsory subject through which the pupil receives a comprehensive education to live in a democratic, just and free society where the importance of the problems of sovereignty and territorial integrity is reinforced. Article 3. In the Republic of Cuba, sovereignty belongs to the people, from whom all State power emanates. This power is exercised directly or through the assemblies of people`s power and other organs of the State deriving therefrom, in the form and in accordance with the norms established by the Constitution and laws. All citizens have the right to fight by any means, including armed struggle, against anyone who seeks to overthrow the political, social and economic order created by this Constitution when no other legal procedure is possible. ECUADORArticle 1.-.

Sovereignty belongs to the people, whose will forms the basis of the authority they exercise through the organs of public authority and the democratic means provided for in this Constitution. Article 83: El Salvador is a sovereign State. Sovereignty belongs to the people, who shall exercise it in the prescribed manner and within the limits of this Constitution. GUATEMALAArticle 141.- Sovereignty. Sovereignty belongs to the people who delegate it to the legislative, executive and judicial powers for exercise. Subordination between them is prohibited. Section 2. Sovereignty corresponds to the people from whom emanate all the powers of the State exercised by representation.

The embodiment of popular sovereignty and the usurpation of constituted powers are described as crimes of treason. In these cases, liability is prescribed and can be deducted ex officio or at the request of any citizen. MEXICOArticle 39. National sovereignty belongs essentially and originally to the people. All public power emanates from the people and is used to their advantage. The people have at all times the inalienable right to change or modify the form of their government. Article 41[edit] The people shall exercise their sovereignty through the powers of the Union in cases falling within their competence and that of the Länder, with regard to their internal regimes, under the conditions laid down in each case by this Federal Constitution and by the special provisions of the States, which may in no case violate the provisions of the Federal Covenant. Article 1. Independence, sovereignty and national self-determination are inalienable rights of the people and the foundations of the Nicaraguan nation.