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Elementos De Un Estudio Legal

The legal study attempts to determine the existence of a legal restriction on the realization of an investment in a project, which must be carried out in the early stages of formulation and preparation, since a highly profitable project may not be feasible by a legal norm. There are alternatives that are profitable from a financial point of view, but are not sustainable from a legal point of view, so it is important to take into account the different rules when preparing each of them. Dear student, to expand the legal framework, you can consult the DNP website by entering the following: Programs, Investments and Public Finance, Legal Framework or by email: webbpin@dnp.gov.co. It should be noted that the economic impact that the legal study will have on cash flows is diverse. From the legal constitution of the company, its implementation and its operation, the project is determined by the legal framework according to the activity developed by the company, which influences the projection of its costs and benefits. It is therefore important to take due account of the legal aspects before the implementation of the other studies progresses and there are high costs in terms of resources and preparation time, since, as mentioned above, the legal aspects can limit the course of the project. The legal study aims to determine the feasibility of a project, taking into account, among other things, development plans, land use plans, regulations relating to location, budgetary and environmental aspects, use of patents, tax legislation, labour aspects and contracts. evaluaciondeproyectosapuntes.blogspot.com/2009/05/el-estudio-legal-y-la-formulacion-y-la.html moodle2.unid.edu.mx/dts_cursos_mdl/pos/AN/PI/S12/PI12_Lectura.pdf The elements to be taken into account in the legal study are as follows: The analysis in the context of tax legislation should take into account, for example, customs duties on imported or exported inputs or products, incentives or the withdrawal of existing incentives. When planning and formulating a new project, it is crucial to consider the legal aspects that determine the restrictions that could prevent or restrict the operation of the project. It should be borne in mind that each project must be carried out within the legal framework existing in the country in which it is carried out, that is, taking into account the constitution, laws, regulations, decrees and usages or customs in force that determine the permissive or prohibitive norms that directly or indirectly affect the project in question. On the other hand, it must be constituted as a social and economic organization in a legal entity in which work, trade and other contacts are linked, creating economic relations that lead to profits or losses of the enterprise. It identifies a large number of rights and obligations arising from the signed contracts and the corresponding law.

Particular importance should be given to the analysis of the standard-setting body that will guide the activity of the project in all its phases, from inception to implementation.